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Diocesan SLA

Our Diocesan Service Level Agreement summarises our offer to schools, and explains how to access our services!

As part of Diocesan Service Level Agreement, we agree to work together towards the Diocesan Vision. 

This is our commitment to our church schools and to church school education:

‘Believing we are called into fellowship with God who seeks the flourishing of all, we aspire to strengthen our school communities with wisdom, knowledge and understanding.


 Through partnerships firmly rooted in Christian hope and in the love of God, we empower all in our Church school family to love one another with humility, justice and kindness.’


Called                 Aspirational             Rooted            Empowering


C    A    R   E

Pages  9-10 of our SLA document below give more detail of the services provided - including:

  • Supports governors and school leaders to protect the Christian foundation of Church
    schools at a national, regional and local level
  • Provides guidance on Headteacher recruitment for governors, attends shortlisting
    meetings and interviews
  • Gives guidance on Diocesan Education policy, for instance on admissions, RSE and
    reserved teachers
  • Supports schools with Ofsted and SIAMS inspections, including attending feedback
  • Visits every new Headteacher for Diocesan welcome and induction
  • Attendance (subject to availability) of a Diocesan officer or LDBE board member at
    celebration events e.g. new Headteacher commissioning, Christmas and Easter events
  • Facilitates school-to-school networks both nationally and locally
  • Offers pastoral and bereavement support and guidance to all schools
  • Support schools in their response to national publications linked to diversity e.g.
    Lament to Action, Living in Love and Faith
  • Manages the Closed Schools General Purposes Reserve Fund and provides grants
    to schools
  • Manages the appointment of foundation governors
  • Supports governors and school leaders to obtain the necessary consents to enter into
    a Multi Academy Trust
  • Provides an annual visit from a Diocesan Adviser or Associate Adviser to celebrate
    strengths and provide guidance and support in relation to Christian distinctiveness
    and education performance – followed up with a written report


Central Events

As part of our Professional Development Programme we run training centrally either at our offices or online.  These courses are designed for individuals or small groups from your school to attend, alongside other schools in the Church school family. Click here - Diary of Central Events - to find out more.

School Based Training

Instead of us offering courses at our choice of time and place, you can identify what is needed locally in your school and surrounding area and invite us to your school to deliver bespoke training. This way all your staff can have the same training in a cost effective way.

Officers and Diocesan Specialist Advisers can come to you on your training days, if you have staff off timetable or twilight sessions, just contact us to arrange a time that suits you.  Book early to avoid disappointment.

Here are some examples of the training we deliver, however if there is something not here you need, give us a call - 

Collective Worship

Preparing for SIAMS

Developing a Distinctively Christian Church School Vision

Staff Self Care and Emotional Wellbeing

Governor Roles and Responsibilities

RE Subject Knowledge

A Universal Offer