Launch of new Lincoln DBE Vision

Called Aspirational Rooted Empowering
We were excited today to launch our new DBE Vision. This is out promise to all the schools we work with. We launched it with a Collective Worship for Primary and Secondary schools. This gave the introduction of what our vision is.
‘Believing we are called into fellowship with God who seeks the flourishing of all, we aspire to strengthen our school communities with wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Through partnerships firmly rooted in Christian hope and in the love of God, we empower all in our Church school family to love one another with humility, justice and kindness.’
Called Aspirational Rooted Empowering
We have also created resources on our website for schools to use to help them and the school's community understand our promise to them.
There will be many more opportunities to hear about or vision, but for more details, to watch the launch or have access to the resources please go to our vision page on our website.