Evaluating the impact of your vision on the culture of inclusion in a church school
This event will take place between 4:00pm and 6:00pm on 30/04/2025
Exploring inclusion through the Church of England's vision for education
Designed for school leaders, SIAMS leaders, inclusion leaders, SENDCOs, Pupil Premium leaders, governors and trustees with responsibilities for inclusion.
Supports schools to address SIAMS inspection questions: 1,2 and 4
Meeting the needs of the most vulnerable is not only a national challenge but a priority set out in the Church of England’s vision for education.
It is also a diocesan priority and a key area of focus in SIAMS and Ofsted inspection too.
This session will explore inclusion with particular reference to pupils with special educational needs and the most disadvantaged.
It will help you use your theologically rooted Christian vision to drive work in this area.
The session will build on national and local developments and relevant inspection frameworks.
Practical ideas and resources will support school leaders and governors to lead and evaluate their work in this area.