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Religious Education

The Lincoln Diocesan Board of Education understands the driving purpose of RE in Church of England schools and academies to be the development of secure religious literacy so that our pupils are able to hold informed and balanced conversations about religions and beliefs.

If you have any queries about Religious Education in your school or academy, please contact the Diocesan RE Adviser, Gillian Georgiou:
01522 504016
07809 419656

Which Syllabus Do We Need to Follow?

Religious Education is not part of the National Curriculum. However, it is legally required in all schools and academies.

Maintained  (voluntary controlled) schools are required to follow the locally agreed syllabus for RE, which is provided by the local SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education). Within the Diocese of Lincoln, there are two different locally agreed syllabuses for RE:

Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2018-2022
East Riding Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2016-2021

Voluntary aided schools, academies that have converted from voluntary controlled or voluntary aided status, free schools and stand-alone academies do not need to follow the locally agreed syllabus for RE; in these schools and academies, RE remains a legal requirement.

In a voluntary aided church school or church academy that has converted from voluntary aided status, the RE must be delivered in accordance with the tenets of the Anglican tradition, as set down in the school/academy’s trust deed and/or funding agreement.

Church academies are not required to follow the locally agreed syllabus for RE, but must provide something that reflects the requirements of a locally agreed syllabus, that is, that reflects the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are, in the main, Christian while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain.

This does not mean that only Christianity should be taught in RE, but that the school or academy’s governors or directors are able to decide which RE syllabus is to be followed.

If you have any questions about which RE syllabus you ought to be using in your school or academy, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Gillian Georgiou, the Diocesan RE Adviser (